Turkey for Your Thalamus

Happy Thanksgiving! To drain the fun out of dinner with your relatives, I’ve put together a questionnaire designed to improve sense of self and encourage asking meaningful questions. These sorts of quizzes make you a hit at parties. Trust me, I know. Why would I lie to you?


  1. What makes you happy?
  2. What brings peace to your mind?
  3. What do you not like about yourself?
  4. What do you fear?
  5. What is your greatest strength and weakness?
  6. How much do you believe in the human race?
  7. Under what circumstance would you commit murder?
  8. How necessary is a relationship to your wellbeing?
  9. Has your favorite school subject changed over time? Is this reflective of your development as a person?
  10. Has your level of social interaction changed over the course of your age?
  11. Do you believe in a higher power?
  12. Have you had any existential doubts? If so, when? Are you currently going through them?
  13. What are the major differences (if any) between your public persona and your private persona?
  14. Can weaknesses of character be destroyed or merely suppressed? Can you arrive at a state where the difference is indistinguishable?
  15. How many people truly know you in the sense of your entire spectrum of expression? Are they privy to your mental trends, your biases, and your strengths?
  16. How many people do you trust? Of whom you could literally tell them anything?
  17. Do you have to love someone to trust them? Do you have to trust someone to love them?


  1. Was the world created in 6 Earth days?
  2. Did time begin when the world was created or was time always flowing? Did God invent time?
  3. When Eve took the apple from the tree of knowledge, evil entered the world and humanity fell. Had Eve never taken the apple, would innovation and inventions as we know it still exist?
  4. The capacity for eternal life in Genesis depended on no one picking the apple from the tree of knowledge. Failure to follow this single rule would mean death for all. Was humanity doomed to break this rule?
  5. How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?


  1. If you had a cybernetic appendage/body part, what would you want?
  2. How do you feel about anime?
  3. Have you ever become outwardly emotional during a movie? If not, then what movies/tv shows had you very close to being moved?

*Special thanks to Lucy’s inquisitive friend who gave me the idea for this post*

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